
William combines a fine arts background with a Bachelors of Science in theoretical physics and a Masters degree in architecture. He worked in architecture for over five years, growing from Intern to Project Architect, before jumping over to software design full-time.

William is currently Director of Design at Jobber. He has worked in design leadership positions at StripeInstacartShopify, TD Bank, and Meta – the first company acquired by the Chan Zuckerberg Institute. He established and led the Product Design team at Loblaw Digital, gained Product experience as a client-facing PM at TWG, and spent a very brief stint at Twitter pre-acquisition.

Please feel free to get in touch:



we are our stories. 

(taken by my grandfather on d-day)

Hello, dear visitor

If you have an extra minute, here's a super short little survey where you can let me what you think of the site. It'll be .. fun? 

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